
Create simple, nested, command-line interfaces.


A simple example with hello and goodbye subcommands. This can be found at /demo/

from clams import arg, Command

salutation = Command('salutation')

@arg('name', nargs='?')  # <== same interface as argparse's `add_argument`
def handler(name):
    print 'Hello %s' % name or 'Nick'

@arg('name', nargs='?')
def handler(name):
    print 'Goodbye %s' % name or 'Nick'

if __name__ == '__main__':


$ cd demo

$ ./ hello
Hello Nick

$ ./ hello Jason
Hello Jason

$ ./ goodbye "my friend."
Goodbye my friend.

For more in-depth examples, see the /demo directory.

class clams.Command(name, title='', description='')[source]

Bases: object


Add a new argument to this Command.

Parameters:arg_tuple (tuple) – A tuple of (*args, **kwargs) that will be passed to argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument.

Add a handler to be called with the parsed argument namespace.

Parameters:handler (function) – A function that accepts the arguments defined for this command.

Add a new subcommand to this Command.

Parameters:command (Command) – The Command instance to add.

Initialize/Build the argparse.ArgumentParser and subparsers.

This must be done before calling the parse_args method.

parse_args(args=None, namespace=None)[source]

Parse the command-line arguments and call the associated handler.

The signature is the same as argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args.

  • args (list) – A list of argument strings. If None the list is taken from sys.argv.
  • namespace (argparse.Namespace) – A Namespace instance. Defaults to a new empty Namespace.

  • The return value of the handler called with the populated Namespace as
  • kwargs.


Decorator to (create and) register a command from a function.

Parameters:name (Optional[str]) – If present, create a command and register it (see register_command).


mygit = Command(name='status')

def status():
    print 'Nothing to commit.'

def log():
    print 'Show logs.'

Decorator to create and register a command from a function.

Parameters:name (str) – The name given to the registered command.


mygit = Command(name='mygit')

def status():
    print 'Nothing to commit.'
clams.arg(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Annotate a function by adding the args/kwargs to the meta-data.

This appends an Argparse “argument” to the function’s ARGPARSE_ARGS_LIST attribute, creating ARGPARSE_ARGS_LIST if it does not already exist. Aside from that, it returns the decorated function unmodified, and unwrapped.

The “arguments” are simply (args, kwargs) tuples which will be passed to the Argparse parser created from the function as parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs).

argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument should be consulted for up-to-date documentation on the accepted arguments. For convenience, a list has been included here.

  • name/flags (str or list) – Either a name or a list of (positional) option strings, e.g. (‘foo’) or (‘-f’, ‘–foo’).
  • action (str) – The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is encountered at the command line.
  • nargs (str) – The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed.
  • const – A constant value required by some action and nargs selections.
  • default – The value produced if the argument is absent from the command line.
  • type (type) – The type to which the command-line argument should be converted.
  • choices – A container of the allowable values for the argument.
  • required (bool) – Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted (optionals only).
  • help (str) – A brief description of what the argument does.
  • metavar (str) – A name for the argument in usage messages.
  • dest (str) – The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by parse_args().


@arg('-n', '--num', type=int, default=42)
@arg('-s', '--some-switch', action='store_false')
def echo(foo, num, some_switch):
    print foo, num
>>> echo_subcommand = mycommand.add_subcommand(echo)
>>> mycommand.init()
>>> mycommand.parse_args(['echo', 'hi', '-n', '42'])
hi 42

Create a command, using the wrapped function as the handler.

Parameters:name (str) – Name given to the created Command instance.
Returns:A new instance of Command, with handler set to the wrapped function.
Return type:Command

Register a command with a parent command.

The register decorator decorates a Command instance (not a function). It is intended to be used with the command decorator (which decorates a function and returns a Command instance).

Parameters:comand (Command) – The parent command.


mygit = Command(name='status')

def status():
    print 'Nothing to commit.'
clams.register_command(parent_command, name)[source]

Create and register a command with a parent command.

  • parent_comand (Command) – The parent command.
  • name (str) – Name given to the created Command instance.


mygit = Command(name='status')

@register_command(mygit, 'status')
def status():
    print 'Nothing to commit.'